Eurocode 3: Design of Steel Structures

The structural Eurocodes are a set of unified international codes of practice for designing buildings and civil engineering works, and will replace National Codes. They are linked de-facto with EU legislation e.g. the Construction Products Directive and Public Procurement Directives, and their adoption will provide opportunities and benefits to the profession. There are ten Eurocodes with a total of 58 parts covering Basis of Structural Design, actions, the main structural materials, and geotechnical and seismic design. The general rules for the design of steel structures are given in Eurocode 3. The focus of the course will be on steel building structures, with background information provided, codified expression introduced and worked examples and tutorials presented.

18 hours
2 days
1 - 25


  • Date and Time

    Session 1: Introduction and setting of course objectives Evolution of Eurocodes and summary of current suite

    Session 2:  Overview of basis of design (EN 1990) and actions (EN 1991)

    Session 3: Overview of Eurocode 3

    • Summary of parts
    • Notation and conventions
    • National annex
    • Partial safety factors

    Session 4: Structural analysis

    • Treatment of frame imperfections
    • Second order effects

    Session 5: Tension members

    Session 6: Local buckling and cross-section classification

    • Examples

    Session 7: Design of columns

    • Perfect columns
    • Perry-Robertson
    • Non-dimensional slenderness
    • Buckling curves
    • Effective (critical) buckling lengths
    • Examples

    Session 8: Design of beams

    • In-plane bending
    • Non-dimensional slenderness
    • Calculation of Mcr
    • Shear
    • Deflections
    • Examples

    Session 9: Design of beam-columns

    • Summary of alternative approaches
    • Interaction formulae
    • Interaction coefficients (Annex A)
    • Interaction coefficients (Annex B)
    • Examples

    Session 10: Design of Joints

    • Bolted joints
    • Welded joints
    • Examples
  • Purpose

    The structural Eurocodes are a set of unified international codes of practice for designing buildings and civil engineering works, and will replace National Codes. They are linked de-facto with EU legislation e.g. the Construction Products Directive and Public Procurement Directives, and their adoption will provide opportunities and benefits to the profession. There are ten Eurocodes with a total of 58 parts covering Basis of Structural Design, actions, the main structural materials, and geotechnical and seismic design. The general rules for the design of steel structures are given in Eurocode 3. The focus of the course will be on steel building structures, with background information provided, codified expression introduced and worked examples and tutorials presented.
  • Objectives

    1. Upon completion of the course the participants should
    2. Become familiar with the philosophy and provisions of Eurocode 3
    3. Be able to apply the provisions of the code to engineering problems
  • Topics

    • Introduction and setting of course objectives Evolution of Eurocodes and summary of current suiteOverview of basis of design (EN 1990) and actions (EN 1991)
    • Overview of Eurocode 3
    • Structural analysis
    • Treatment of frame imperfections
    • Second order effects
    • Tension members
    • Local buckling and cross-section classification
    • Design of columns
    • Perfect columns
    • Perry-Robertson
    • Non-dimensional slenderness
    • Buckling curves
    • Effective (critical) buckling lengths
    • In-plane bending
    • Non-dimensional slenderness
    • Calculation of Mcr
    • Shear
    • Deflections
    • Design of beam-columns
    • Summary of alternative approaches
    • Interaction formulae
    • Interaction coefficient
    • Design of Joints
    • Bolted joints
    • Welded joints
  • Participants

    The candidates should be civil engineers and fulfill one of the following criteria:

    • Designers
    • Contractors
    • Resident/Site engineers
    • Employees of Technical Services Departments
    • Consultants
  • Methodology

    • Lecture
    • Examples
    • Discussion
  • Other Details
