Date and Time
- The context of Eurocode 8 – Relation of Eurocode 8 with the other Structural Eurocodes and with Product Standards.
- Nationally Determined Parameters within the framework of Eurocode 8.
- The structure of Eurocode 8: Overview of its six parts.
- Part 1 of Eurocode 8 (EN 1998-1:2004) for the design of new buildings and other structures for earthquake resistance: Overview of its structure and contents
- Performance requirements for new buildings and other structures – Relationship with performance-based design
- Design of buildings for no life-threatening collapse under rare (design) seismic action and for damage limitation under frequent seismic action
- Ground types and seismic action – Peak Ground Acceleration and Elastic Response Spectra
- Design response spectrum – Behaviour factor
- Conceptual design of new buildings for earthquake resistance.
- Regularity of buildings in plan and in elevation: Criteria and implications for seismic analysis and design.
- Philosophy of design for ductility and energy dissipation – The choice between strength and ductility
- Overview of seismic analysis methods.
- Lateral force analysis procedure
- Modal response spectrum analysis
- Nonlinear analysis methods: static (pushover) and dynamic (time-history)
- Application examples on analysis
- Verification criteria for damage limitation
- Capacity design for global ductility and controlled inelastic response - Capacity design of weak beam/strong column frames
- Ultimate Limit State verification under design seismic action
- Consideration of 2nd-order effects
- Detailing of dissipative zones (plastic hinge regions) for local ductility – Capacity design against pre-emptive brittle failures
- Design of foundation, including capacity design.
- Overview of design rules for concrete buildings.
- Types of structural systems for concrete buildings
- Ductility Classes L, M and H for concrete buildings
- Behaviour factor values for concrete buildings
- Design of concrete buildings for ductility: global and local ductility
- Design for Ductility Class L: Material requirements
- Overview of design rules for concrete buildings
- Types of structural systems for concrete buildings
- Ductility Classes L, M and H for concrete buildings
- Behaviour factor values for concrete buildings
- Design for Ductility Class M and H: Material requirements; capacity design of beams and columns against pre-emptive shear failures
- Design and detailing of concrete beams for ductility
- Design and detailing of concrete columns for ductility
- Design and detailing of beam-column joints in Ductility Class H buildings
- Design and detailing of ductile walls
- Design and detailing of systems of large lightly reinforced walls
- Seismic design and detailing of concrete foundations
- Design provisions for masonry-infilled concrete frames
- Application examples on design of concrete buildings, including seismic design of the foundation
- Part 3 of Eurocode 8 (EN 1998-3:2005) for seismic assessment and retrofitting of existing buildings: Overview of its structure and contents.
- Performance requirements for existing buildings – Relationship with performance-based design and assessment
- Information required for the assessment - Knowledge levels
- The distinction between primary or secondary, ductile or brittle structural members - Assessment criteria in terms of deformations or forces
- Analysis methods for assessment
- Flexural and shear resistance, deformation capacity and stiffness of concrete members, as affected by cyclic loading, poor detailing or retrofitting by concrete jackets or FRP wrapping.
- Retrofitting strategies for concrete buildings – Addition of new elements vs. modification of existing members – Implications for the foundation
- Application examples for assessment and retrofitting of concrete buildings.
Οι Ευρωκώδικες απαρτίζονται από 10 κύρια Ευρωπαϊκά Πρότυπα, συμπεριλαμβάνουν όλους τους τρόπους δόμησης (από σκυρόδεμα, χάλυβα, ξύλο, τοιχοποιία, αλουμίνιο κτλ.), και υποδιαιρούνται σε μέρη, λαμβάνοντας υπόψη και τη συμπεριφορά των κατασκευών (κτιρίων, γεφυρών, δεξαμενών, φραγμάτων, πύργων, αγωγών, καπνοδόχων) στο σεισμό ή/και στην πυρκαγιά. Παράλληλα, για κάθε μέρος Ευρωκώδικα, εκδίδεται από κάθε χώρα το «Εθνικό Παράρτημα». Το Παράρτημα αυτό περιέχει τις «Εθνικά Καθορισμένες Παραμέτρους», οι οποίες προκύπτουν από και εκφράζουν τις ειδικές γεωγραφικές, γεωλογικές ή κλιματικές συνθήκες, καθώς και τα συγκεκριμένα επίπεδα προστασίας που ισχύουν στην επικράτειά του κάθε Κράτους Μέλους. Ο ευρωκώδικας 8 καλύπτει το θέμα του αντισεισμικού σχεδιασμού για όλες τις κατασκευές και αποτελείται από 6 τμήματα τα οποία καλύπτουν γενικούς Κανόνες σχεδιασμού, σεισμικές δράσεις, Κανόνες για κτίρια, γέφυρες, αποτίμηση & ενίσχυση υφιστάμενων Κτιρίων, σιλό-δεξαμενές και αγωγούς, θεμελιώσεις, αντιστηρίξεις, γεωτεχνικά θέματα και πύργοι, ιστούς και καπνοδόχους. Επισημαίνεται ότι με βάση τροποποίηση της περί Ρύθμισης Οδών και Οικοδομών Νομοθεσίας από 01 Ιανουαρίου του 2011 ο ευρωκώδικας 8 θα αντικαταστήσει τον Κυπριακό Σεισμικό Κώδικα και ως εκ τούτου η αντισεισμική μελέτη που υποβάλλεται στις οικοδομικές αρχές για σκοπούς λήψης άδειας οικοδομής θα πρέπει να βασίζεται στον ευρωκώδικα 8. -
Με την συμπλήρωση του προγράμματος οι εκπαιδευόμενοι
- Θα καταρτιστούν στην βασική φιλοσοφία των ευρωκωδίκων και θα εκπαιδευτούν στις απαιτήσεις του Ευρωκώδικας 8: Αντισεισμικός σχεδιασμός κατασκευών κυρίως σε ότι αφορά τους γενικούς Κανόνες αντισεισμικού σχεδιασμού και αποτίμηση και αντισεισμική ενίσχυση υφιστάμενων Κτιρίων
- Θα ενημερωθούν για τα Εθνικά Παράρτηματα του Ευρωκώδικας 8 και τις «Εθνικά Καθορισμένες Παραμέτρους» της Κύπρου.
- Θα καταρτιστούν στη χρήση του Ευρωκώδικας 8 για το σχεδιασμό και την επίλυση προβλημάτων σε δομικά έργα
- The context of Eurocode 8 – Relation of Eurocode 8 with the other Structural Eurocodes and with Product Standards.
- Nationally Determined Parameters within the framework of Eurocode 8.
- The structure of Eurocode 8: Overview of its six parts.
- Part 1 of Eurocode 8 (EN 1998-1:2004) for the design of new buildings and other structures for earthquake resistance
- Performance requirements for new buildings and other structures
- Design of buildings for no life-threatening collapse under rare (design) seismic action and for damage limitation under frequent seismic action
- Ground types and seismic action
- Design response spectrum – Behaviour factor
- Conceptual design of new buildings for earthquake resistance.
- Regularity of buildings in plan and in elevation: Criteria and implications for seismic analysis and design.
- Philosophy of design for ductility and energy dissipation – The choice between strength and ductility
- Overview of seismic analysis methods.
- Lateral force analysis procedure
- Modal response spectrum analysis
- Nonlinear analysis methods: static (pushover) and dynamic (time-history)
- Verification criteria for damage limitation
- Capacity design for global ductility and controlled inelastic response - Capacity design of weak beam/strong column frames
- Ultimate Limit State verification under design seismic action
- Consideration of 2nd-order effects
- Detailing of dissipative zones (plastic hinge regions) for local ductility – Capacity design against pre-emptive brittle failures
- Design of foundation, including capacity design.
- Overview of design rules for concrete buildings.
- Types of structural systems for concrete buildings
- Ductility Classes L, M and H for concrete buildings
- Behaviour factor values for concrete buildings
- Design of concrete buildings for ductility: global and local ductility
- Design for Ductility Class L: Material requirements
- Overview of design rules for concrete buildings
- Types of structural systems for concrete buildings
- Ductility Classes L, M and H for concrete buildings
- Behaviour factor values for concrete buildings
- Design for Ductility Class M and H: Material requirements; capacity design of beams and columns against pre-emptive shear failures
- Design and detailing of concrete beams for ductility
- Design and detailing of concrete columns for ductility
- Design and detailing of beam-column joints in Ductility Class H buildings
- Design and detailing of ductile wallsDesign and detailing of systems of large lightly reinforced walls
- Seismic design and detailing of concrete foundations
- Design provisions for masonry-infilled concrete frames
- Application examples on design of concrete buildings, including seismic design of the foundation
- Part 3 of Eurocode 8 (EN 1998-3:2005) for seismic assessment and retrofitting of existing buildings: Overview of its structure and contents.
- Performance requirements for existing buildings – Relationship with performance-based design and assessment
- Information required for the assessment - Knowledge levels
- The distinction between primary or secondary, ductile or brittle structural members - Assessment criteria in terms of deformations or forces
- Analysis methods for assessment
- Flexural and shear resistance, deformation capacity and stiffness of concrete members, as affected by cyclic loading, poor detailing or retrofitting by concrete jackets or FRP wrapping.
- Retrofitting strategies for concrete buildings – Addition of new elements vs. modification of existing members – Implications for the foundation
- Application examples for assessment and retrofitting of concrete buildings.
Το σεμινάριο αυτό απευθύνεται σε:
- Αρχιτέκτονες
- Εργολάβους
- Πολιτικούς Μηχανικούς
- Συμβούλους
- Διαλέξεις
- Συζήτηση
- Παραδείγματα
Other Details
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